

Think you’re an NFL diehard? Prove it and win up to $700

December 3, 2021 - by David Arnett


Know that feeling when your team’s fans travel well and dominate the opponent’s stadium?

There’s nothing like it.

Well we want to see if you can make that happen on Chuck. And we have four cash prizes to make it worth your while.

Here’s how it works

Step 1

If you haven’t already, download Chuck. It’s free on the App Store and Google Play, and a must-have for any diehard fan.

Step 2

Email or DM us on Twitter to let us know you’d like to participate in the contest. Just say “I’m in” and tell us which NFL team you’re representing.

Step 3

We’ll send you a custom URL (i.e. heychuck.com/yourname) that you will use to send Chuck invites to your friends and followers.

Step 4

You pack the house, sharing your custom URL with anyone you want.

Important details

  1. The contest ends on February 13, 2022 (the day of The Big Game) at 11:59pm ET. 
  2. PRIZES! Any U.S. resident who brings 3 or more fans into Chuck is eligible for our $1,000 prize pool:
    • Individual Prizes: $300 to whoever brings in the most fans. Second place gets $200. Third gets $100. Each individual prize winner gets some Chuck swag and a featured post on the Chuck blog where you can plug your site, pod, YouTube channel, or whatever you like.
    • Team Prize: $400 to be split proportionally among diehards whose favorite team gains the most fans on Chuck over the course of this contest. We’ll update this post with Team Prize standings and share via Twitter on a weekly basis.



Email or DM us!

Pack the house and go get that money!

Media inquiries

For very important matters.