3/26 Postgame Update: We have a winner! With both 5 seeds winning today, aman23mj overtook daa1117 (the only person who got 9 points for taking FAU) with 10 total points. Tough tournament for brackets all around- only 17% of our entrants got a single Final Four team right, and only two entrants got two of them right.
Full Final Standings posted here
3/26 Pregame Scenarios:
San Diego St./Miami (FL)– aman23mj wins with 10 points
San Diego St./Texas– daa1117 wins with 11 points
Creighton/Miami (FL)- JayP wins with 11 points
Creighton/Texas– daa1117 wins with 11 points
Distinct Teams Selected: 33
Distinct Teams Selected and Still Alive as of Noon Today: All 6
Lowest Seed Selected: Montana St. (14)
Lowest Seed Selected and Still Alive as of Noon Today: Florida Atlantic (9)
Highest Seed Not Selected: Iowa St. (6)- No one took Iowa or Drake either, tough contest for The Hawkeye State. At least a few of you picked nearby Creighton (so close!)
Most Popular Selection: Alabama (54%)
Most Common Final 4: Alabama (1), Marquette (2), Houston (1), UCLA (2)